
ACKNOWL'EDGE, v.t. Aknol'edge, [ad and knowledge. See Know.]

1. To own, avow or admit to be true, by a declaration of assent; as to acknowledge the being of a God.

2. To own or notice with particular regard.

In all thy ways acknowledge God. Prov. 3. Isa. 33.

3. To own or confess, as implying a consciousness of guilt.

I acknowledge my transgressions, and my sin is ever before me. Ps. 51 and 32.

4. To own with assent; to admit or receive with approbation.

He that acknowledgeth the son, hath the father also.

1John 2. 2Tim. 2.

5. To own with gratitude; to own as a benefit; as, to acknowledge a favor, or the receipt of a gift.

Thy his gifts acknowledged not.

6. To own or admit to belong to; as, to acknowledge a son.

7. To receive with respect.

All that see them shall acknowledge that they are the seed which the Lord hath blessed. Isa. 6. 1Cor. 16.

8. To own, avow or assent to an act in a legal form, to give it validity; as, to acknowledge a deed before competent authority.