

1. Foreignness; the state of belonging to another country.

If I will obey the gospel, no distance of place, no strangeness of country can make any man a stranger to me.

2. Distance in behavior; reserve; coldness; forbidding manner.

Will you not observe the strangeness of his alterd countenance?

3. Remoteness from common manners or notions; uncouthness.

Men worthier than himself here tend the savage strangeness he puts on.

4. Alienation of mind; estrangement; mutual dislike.

This might seem a means to continue a strangeness between two nations. [This sense is obsolete or little used.

5. Wonderfulness; the power of exciting surprise and wonder; uncommonness that raises wonder by novelty.

This raised greater tumults in the hearts of men than the strangeness and seeming unreasonableness of all the former articles.