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ADV'ANCE, v.t. adv'ans. [Heb. surface, face; whence.] 1. To bring forward; to move further in front. Hence,2. To promote; to raise to a higher rank; as, to advance one from the bar to the bench.3. To improve or make better, which is considered as a progression or moving forward; as, to advance one's true interests.4. To forward; to accelerate growth; as, to advance the growth of plants.5. To offer or propose; to bring to view or notice; as, to advance an opinion or an argument.6. In commerce, to supply beforehand; to furnish on credit, or before goods are delivered, or work done; or to furnish as a part of a stock or fund; as, to advance money on loan or contract, or towards a purchase or establishment.7. To furnish for others; to supply or pay for others, in expectation of reimbursement.They advanced the money out of their own funds, and took the sheriff's deeds in their own name.8. To raise; to enhance; as, to advance the price of goods.ADV'ANCE, v.i. 1. To move or go forward; to proceed; as, the troops advanced.2. To improve, or make progress; to grow better, greater, wiser or older; as, to advance in knowledge, in stature, in wisdom, or in years.3. To rise in rank, office, or consequence; to be preferred, or promoted; as, to advance in political standing.
Evolution (or devolution) of this word [advance]
1828 Webster | 1844 Webster | 1913 Webster |
ADV'ANCE, v.t. adv'ans. [Heb. surface, face; whence.] 1. To bring forward; to move further in front. Hence,2. To promote; to raise to a higher rank; as, to advance one from the bar to the bench.3. To improve or make better, which is considered as a progression or moving forward; as, to advance one's true interests.4. To forward; to accelerate growth; as, to advance the growth of plants.5. To offer or propose; to bring to view or notice; as, to advance an opinion or an argument.6. In commerce, to supply beforehand; to furnish on credit, or before goods are delivered, or work done; or to furnish as a part of a stock or fund; as, to advance money on loan or contract, or towards a purchase or establishment.7. To furnish for others; to supply or pay for others, in expectation of reimbursement.They advanced the money out of their own funds, and took the sheriff's deeds in their own name.8. To raise; to enhance; as, to advance the price of goods.ADV'ANCE, v.i. 1. To move or go forward; to proceed; as, the troops advanced.2. To improve, or make progress; to grow better, greater, wiser or older; as, to advance in knowledge, in stature, in wisdom, or in years.3. To rise in rank, office, or consequence; to be preferred, or promoted; as, to advance in political standing. | AD-VANCE', n.- A moving forward, or towards the front. – Clarendon.
- Gradual progression; improvement; as, an advance in religion or knowledge. – Atterbury.
- Advancement; promotion; preferment; as, an advance in rank or office.
- First hint by way of invitation; first step towards an agreement; as, A made an advance towards a reconciliation with B. In this sense it is very frequently used in the plural.
The amours of an empress require the plainest advances. – Gibbon.
- In trade, additional price; profit; as, an advance on the prime cost of goods.
- A giving beforehand; a furnishing of something, on contract, before an equivalent is received, as money or goods, towards a capital or stock, or on loan; or the money or goods thus furnished; as, A made large advances to B.
- A furnishing of money or goods for others, in expectation of reimbursement; or the property so furnished.
I shall, with great pleasure, make the necessary advances. – Jay.
The account was made up with intent to show what advances had been made. – Kent.
In advance, in front; before; also beforehand; before an equivalent is received, or when one partner in trade has furnished more than his proportion; as, A is in advance to B a thousand dollars or pounds.
AD-VANCE', v.i.- To move or go forward; to proceed; as, the troops advanced.
- To improve, or make progress; to grow better, greater, wiser or older; as, to advance in knowledge, in stature, in wisdom, or in years.
- To rise in rank, office, or consequence; to be preferred, or promoted; as, to advance in political standing.
AD-VANCE', v.t. [advans; Fr. avancer; Sp. avanzar, to move forward; It. avanzare, to get or increase; Arm. avans, to advance. This word is formed on van, the front, which seems to be the Ch. and Heb. ×¤× ×”, ×¤× ×™×ť, surface, face; whence Fr. avant; It. avanti, before.]- To bring forward; to move further in front. Hence,
- To promote; to raise to a higher rank; as, to advance one from the bar to the bench.
- To improve or make better, which is considered as a progression or moving forward; as, to advance one's true interests.
- To forward; to accelerate growth; as, to advance the growth of plants.
- To offer or propose; to bring to view or notice; as, to advance an opinion or an argument.
- In commerce, to supply beforehand; to furnish on credit, or before goods are delivered, or work done; or to furnish as a part of a stock or fund; as, to advance money on loan or contract, or towards a purchase or establishment.
- To furnish for others; to supply or pay for others, in expectation of reimbursement.
They advanced the money out of their own funds, and took the sherif's deeds in their own name. Kent, Johnson's Rep.
- To raise; to enhance; as, to advance the price of goods.
| Ad*vance"
- To bring forward; to move towards
the van or front; to make to go on.
- To
move or go forward; to proceed; as, he advanced to greet
- The act of advancing or moving forward or upward;
- Before in place, or
beforehand in time; -- used for advanced; as, an advance
guard, or that before the main guard or body of an army; advance
payment, or that made before it is due; advance proofs,
advance sheets, pages of a forthcoming volume, received in advance
of the time of publication.
- To raise; to elevate.
- To increase or make progress in any respect; as,
to advance in knowledge, in stature, in years, in price.
- Improvement or progression, physically,
mentally, morally, or socially; as, an advance in health, knowledge,
or religion; an advance in rank or office.
- To raise to a higher rank; to promote.
- To rise in rank, office, or consequence; to be
preferred or promoted.
- An addition to the price; rise in price or
value; as, an advance on the prime cost of goods.
- To accelerate the growth or progress; to
further; to forward; to help on; to aid; to heighten; as, to advance
the ripening of fruit; to advance one's interests.
- The first step towards the attainment of a
result; approach made to gain favor, to form an acquaintance, to adjust a
difference, etc.; an overture; a tender; an offer; -- usually in the
- To bring to view or notice; to offer or propose;
to show; as, to advance an argument.
- A furnishing of something before an equivalent
is received (as money or goods), towards a capital or stock, or on loan;
payment beforehand; the money or goods thus furnished; money or value
supplied beforehand.
- To make earlier, as an event or date; to
- To furnish, as money or other value, before it
becomes due, or in aid of an enterprise; to supply beforehand; as, a
merchant advances money on a contract or on goods consigned to
- To raise to a higher point; to enhance; to raise
in rate; as, to advance the price of goods.
- To extol; to laud.
1828 Webster | 1844 Webster | 1913 Webster |
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Advance ADV'ANCE, verb transitive adv'ans. [Heb. surface, face; whence.] 1. To bring forward; to move further in front. Hence, 2. To promote; to raise to a higher rank; as, to advance one from the bar to the bench. 3. To improve or make better, which is considered as a progression or moving forward; as, to advance one's true interests. 4. To forward; to accelerate growth; as, to advance the growth of plants. 5. To offer or propose; to bring to view or notice; as, to advance an opinion or an argument. 6. In commerce, to supply beforehand; to furnish on credit, or before goods are delivered, or work done; or to furnish as a part of a stock or fund; as, to advance money on loan or contract, or towards a purchase or establishment. 7. To furnish for others; to supply or pay for others, in expectation of reimbursement. They advanced the money out of their own funds, and took the sheriff's deeds in their own name. 8. To raise; to enhance; as, to advance the price of goods. ADV'ANCE, verb intransitive 1. To move or go forward; to proceed; as, the troops advanced. 2. To improve, or make progress; to grow better, greater, wiser or older; as, to advance in knowledge, in stature, in wisdom, or in years. 3. To rise in rank, office, or consequence; to be preferred, or promoted; as, to advance in political standing. ADV'ANCE, noun 1. A moving forward, or towards the front. 2. Gradual progression; improvement; as, an advance in religion or knowledge. 3. Advancement; promotion; preferment; as, an advance in rank or office. 4. First hint by way of invitation; first step towards an agreement; as, A made an advance towards a reconciliation with B. In this sense, it is very frequently used in the plural. The amours of an empress require the plainest advances. 5. In trade, additional price; profit; as, an advance on the prime cost of goods. 6. A giving beforehand; a furnishing of something, on contract, before an equivalent is received, as money or goods, towards a capital or stock, or on loan; or the money or goods thus furnished; as, A made large advances to B. 7. A furnishing of money or goods for others, in expectation of reimbursement; or the property so furnished. I shall, with great pleasure, make the necessary advances. The account was made up with intent to show what advances had been made. In advance in front; before; also beforehand; before an equivalent is received, or when one partner in trade has furnished more than his proportion; as, A is in advance to B a thousand dollars or pounds.

Hard-cover Edition |
341 |
521 |
Compact Edition |
324 |
228 |
282 |
187 |
* As a note, I have purchased each of these products. In fact, as we have been developing the Project:: 1828 Reprint, I have purchased several of the bulky hard-cover dictionaries. My opinion is that the 2000-page hard-cover edition is the only good viable solution at this time. The compact edition was a bit disappointing and the CD-ROM as well. |
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